militants now face and how fiercely they fight. in the battle some now call the last stand of isis. for the going is slow, the battle could last for months, and the kind of attacks the american sniper says he is here to stop may never end. david. ian pannell and our team there in syria, we thank you all. we turn back home to the health care showdown. in this country, it s coming tomorrow. millions of americans of course, concerned about the future of their coverage. president trump putting republicans on notice tonight on the eve of the latest attempt to repeal and replace obamacare. the president making a last-ditch appeal targeting his own party. so far senate republicans have not done their job in ending the obamacare nightmare. any senator who votes against starting debate is telling america that you are fine with the obamacare nightmare. senate majority leader, mitch mcconnell, tonight, trying to sway republican holdouts hoping to have enough votes to move forward. many se
guess what happens? you are done. you are finished. eboni: he has precedents for calling people out by name. that s probably the strongest place he has. i think the g.o.p. is plainly donald trump s party. the g.o.p. hasn t it gotten done in eight years. they are in a position to do so even though they are failing to act. i really think perhaps the president has to be more hands-on. i think he let mitch mcconnell and paul ryan tried. they batted 2 for 0. may be the president needs to get in front himself. kat: i m not sure what it being president trump s party means. in terms of health care, then no vote came from people with very different views it and different reasons. eboni: i am saying a stronghold. president trump says you are in the position you are in off the strength of my coattails, much like many democrats in 08 behind obama. get in line. get information. eric: it is 0 for 2, not 2 for 0. and also, i think this is completely on mitch mcconnell and paul ryan s shoulde
trump white house facing serious questions about accountability and transparency again this morning. we ve got it covered. we want to begin with cnn s suzanne malveaux live on capitol hill with the battle over health care. good morning. reporter: good morning, david. well, it is now up to the senate side, lawmakers heading to their home states, to go back to face their constituents, the voters, to explain why their health care version is a better version than what they ve had before. so far with all negotiations and the compromises, no one seems to be happy. this current draft doesn t get the job done. put me down as a solid undecided. i think we ve done a pretty good job at keeping our promises. reporter: senate republicans split over their party s new health care proposal. four senators already saying they cannot vote for the bill as it currently stands. the legislation was designed to appease moderates and conservatives, but it s upset members of both camps. it keeps the
matters to the american people is lowering those premiums. improving access. making sure that people whahave pre-existing conditions are covered. how we get there, legislative process. at the end of the day, as long as we are fulfilling those promises to the american people that the president made and that s the end result and that s what people are focused on. i know the vice president, i remember when the house was passing its health care version was very involved with that. talk to me about his involvement in that. has the vice president been in contact with the senate majority leader? has he seen any text to this point? what i can tell you is the vice president has been attending the weekly policy lunches. he does nearly every single week and will be back on the hill talking with all 52 republican senators and in that luncheon they re talking about the various aspects of health care. how do they deliver on their promises and the president s promise to the american people. this
big time tomorrow but even now this hour with the senate back in session we ll begin to hear some of the outlines of how this will go. here s what needs to take place. the house last night passed two bills. one was the senate health care version, which originally passed the senate on christmas eve. that s what they said yes to. and they also passed a 153-page package of fixes to that bill, things they didn t like in it that they wanted to adjust. that fix-it bill now comes over to the senate and they must deal with it. here s what we expect. there will be lots of challenges on procedural matters. do all the things within that bill fit the rules? then we expect there will be amendments offered, lots of them especially by republicans, who will try to get democrats on the record and maybe some tough votes. and by that i mean they can offer things that democrats would typically want to vote for. that puts them in a tough spot because the democratic leadership will definitely want to have a