go in, acquire taiwan, so that they can be in charge of all semiconductors. this is going to alleviate the semiconductor problem and shortage that america is facing. so that s, that s just great news for texas. do you expect more? what are you expecting many ems of more investment in terms of more investment coming down the road? any vision or runway for us? sure. we ve got, actually, a lot of positive projects that are coming our way. but listen, you touched upon something has very important and that is a lesson that americans have learned and, i by god, the biden administration if should learn this also, and that is country made a mistake over the past one or two decades to farm out manufacturing of all these essential supplies whether it be now semiconductors or could be health care supplies that we needed during the time of covid, whatever case may be. we need to not depend upon china or other countries for our essential needs for things like semiconductors, and has exactly