your good friend to be vice-president . pick someone you want to have dinner with. you pick the right guy for the job. he said i may be better friends with this guy or that guy. but i will pick the best vice-president and not best friend in office and that s why he picked paul ryan. leslie, let me ask you this one. he would end made care as we know it and he certainly want to change the program because entitlements can t go on the way they are . president obama plan to tut 500 billion out of medicare and so do they really have the moral high ground to attack on medicare? oh, absolutely. first of all. we have to remember this is the largest segment of our population growing. arey i a day coming in theack ae baby boom. look being at with ryan s plan there is nothing that increases as the cost of the health care rises as it will.
rate of inflation . but you are saying that a government take over of health care would be cheaper and more efficient than the private sector. i think more people would be covered and cost would be lowered. emac, is there any way to prove that contention in no, i hear what mark is saying. this congress person said we shouldunize doctors . we have a veterans administration that doing better. for the one size fits all approach, we don t have the same demographics as britain or canada can those health care rises . this bill which i read, saying they would pay out increasing taxpayer funds to incoverage. the cost of the bill would go up dramatically. isn t this the president s intention to go to a single