Her confirmation to the highest court in the land could put health care for hundreds of millions of americans at risk. As youd imagine, taking away health care is deeply unpopular with the American People. So it seems the strategy from the republican majority is to invent some new distraction of fresh outrage to talk about. My colleagues on the other side would rather talk about anything besides the fact that their president , their party, and their Supreme Court nominee poses a dire threat to Americans Health care. Today, the outrage from the republican leader was directed once again at the idea that democrats would attack the nominees religious beliefs. But, of course, in their zeal to manufacture this issue, republican senators began telegraphing this line of attack even before a nominee had been named. One republican senator wrote me a letter to warn against anticatholic attacks that happened yet against a nominee who hadnt been named. Thats how transparent this republican diversio
Regarding a democratic motion to begin work on a bill dropping the Justice Department from supporting lawsuits to strike the Affordable Care act. Live now to the floor of the u. S. Senate on cspan 2. Eternal god, our heavenly father, we cry to you, but sometimes you seem so far away. In our despair you sometimes seem distant, and we are tempted to surmise that we are all alone. When we shout, we seem to hear the echoes of our anguish. Nonetheless, we know that you are holy, mighty, and good. We have trusted you too long to let go. Empower our senators for these challenging times. Remove from their minds all bitterness and contempt for one another. Keep their hearts clean, their spirits courageous, and their minds clear, as they face these daunting times. We pray in your omnipotent name. Amen. The president pro tempore please join me in the pledge of allegiance. The pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation unde
With a few Public Health data slides and then a little look t where were going. You have seen this before. It is updated. The gray are the cumulative cases that we have had in vermont. We are in the low 8507bs for cases. These 800s for cases. These are the new cases. It is coming into that more plateaued type of phase. This is called anepicurve. The new cases on a daytoday basis. We were pretty accustomed to an average of 3040 cases with occasional times where we peaked here in middle here. At 50 there. This is way back in early march. Started doing things like limits on mass gatherings, closing the restaurants and bars and eventually schools. And then in this time frame the actual stay home, Stay Safe Program began. Several weeks beyond that, we have come from a peak and generally below 10 cases over he last week on a daytoday basis and finally this is a graph of the number of tests we have done in verbatim. Vermont. You see they range from 300 to 00 or 700 over time. This is the perc
Will give some opening remarks and an update on where we are in the state with regards to ealth. Well start this morning with a few Public Health data slides and then a little look t where were going. You have seen this before. It is updated. The gray are the cumulative cases that we have had in vermont. We are in the low 8507bs for cases. These 800s for cases. These are the new cases. It is coming into that more plateaued type of phase. This is called anepicurve. The new cases on a daytoday basis. We were pretty accustomed to an average of 3040 cases with occasional times where we peaked here in middle here. At 50 there. This is way back in early march. Started doing things like limits on mass gatherings, closing the restaurants and bars and eventually schools. And then in this time frame the actual stay home, Stay Safe Program began. Several weeks beyond that, we have come from a peak and generally below 10 cases over he last week on a daytoday basis and finally this is a graph of th
Brian has a longer history, he w person for Health Policy change if not reform. Different opinions on that in the trump whitse and prior history on the senate side and on the house side after the enactment of the he has been be a spring board and Research Assistant and the rest isry. He has been able to overcome i. John was over there in the senate which is the important health, education and Labor Committee with senator kennedy and wrote a book about it. 12, 13 years ago. John was a practicing politician and knew how to run forffice and get votes on occasion. Were all recovering in different w speaker. I may have some additional thoughts at the back end and then question and answer. Kind of our basic format for today. Why we are doing it more or less, the speakers and then the format. I have a lot of shutin time. I was streaming a lot, you have to have a tight if you are going to Health Policy comedy. N. And lets see what we got. Hopefully triggering rounds of deeper discussion and re