community comes in once again. we pray for each other, we share the promises of god s word with each other, we affirm each other all to the glory of god. and, president, we ve pete, we ve satisfy anded more than 9.4 billion of our members medical bills, and with operational losses less than costs less than 10 cents on the dollar, our members enjoy and are receiving 40-60% savings in their costs and medical debt. i can t count how many times people have called us saying, hey, we heard you had this thing going on, can we pray for you. so to have a community that stops and prays for you is, bar with none, very unusual, and that s why we ve been members for ten years, and we will be. pete: yeah. my insurance company has never prayed for me. [laughter] what an awesome concept. folks can learn more about becoming a christian health care ministries member at your it s right at the bottom of the