Fighting back. Lets begin with George Papadopouloss fiance and the role he plays in the investigation. He joined the Trump Campaign as a Foreign Policy adviser in early march 2016. Soon after then, they referenced him as an adviser. On march 31st, papadopoulos attended a Trump Campaign Foreign Policy meeting. Trump was there as well as jeff sessions. During the sit down, papadopoulos said he had connections that could help stop the meeting between trump and russian president putin. Sources say trump was open to the idea, but sessions threw cold water on to the pitch. Roughly a month later in april, papadopoulos met with an overseas professor who told him that russia had dirt on Hillary Clinton in the form of thousands of emails. During this period, papadopoulos continued emailing Trump Campaign members pushing for a meeting between trump and russian officials. Fast forward to this year when papadopoulos is arrested for lying to fbi agents about his russian contacts. His indictment was