but how old is too old? what would you say the cut off is? 17. 17. who s snickering over there? is that deb? who s that laughing? somebody who thinks that is ridiculous. we have a bedtime showdown. she has older boys, teenager boys. i bet she likes a little snuggle. get a 17-year-old boy in the bed. they are still your baby. they could be 82 and they are still your baby. at 17. the guy getting worldwide attention because of his commute. he walks 20 miles a day to get to work. my goodness. the nightmare for commuters in a big congested city. the scare that brought traffic to a standstill. you are watching world news now. announcer: world news now weather brought to you by united health care. health c to you health care. approaching medicare eligibility? you may think you can put off checking out your medicare options until you re sixty-five
bio containment u meanwhir cogue nina pham continues being treated in dallas at the same hospital where both contracted the virus. she s just so positive. she doesn t feel and have any like doubts about her care or anything like that. reporter: health officials still trying to figure out how they were infected while treating thomas duncan, the ebola patient who died here last week. though an associated press review of duncan s medical records reveals he d been in the hospital for two days before people treating him started wearing hazmat suits. concerns that other health c and obaephvend thank you, marci. it s frightening. people are coeed. thwes term of pa he
to the table. as you pointed out with re senate seats, they ve got a winning hand they v zc terms of the table and say we ll give you stuff to get you aboard we re coming with our that s something that he to have to do o we reing to be stuck with fiscal clihese stupid thingsm involved with weakness. we ve seen president obama. they were really universal health c and he s goingw8c9 to have to stepct the big three and get more money of the wealthiest americans. to be the first don t know that to draw theand. i think he s got to do i m one of the first that and beyond at. but if he after and went partisan tonight,ed. i don t think it s partisan to point out the victories. i m talkingbout saying the fortjz the high road. i romney as romney appeared to be to him. and let s not fo chris, he was gracious to don t act like he didn t have a loet of divisiveness we had to