Tenure of a certain passive in ness. We saw that university of chicago law professor is saying he will wait until all the reports come in. A perfect world, that is the way to go, but they have to keep the , you cannot let this become a big issue that is out there with some of the other big issues, whether it is benghazi or the irs. If this is a real scandal, you have to clean house in a way that this cannot come back to bite you at the polls and lose your majority in the senate in november. Thank you. For over 35 years cspan brings Public Affairs events from washington directly to you. Putting you in the room at congressional hearings, white house events, briefings, and conferences. Offering complete coverage of operation ofa right industry. Arrive at industry. Industry. Theresident obama addressed in anof Veterans Affairs interview. This is 20 minutes. I just met with secretary twoseki, and we focused on issues. The allegations of misconduct, and caring for veterans and their families
Amendment en bloc. As our men and women transition out of the armed forces, they are confronted with a number of challenges as they reintegrate into civilian life. My amendment offers a simple change to current d. O. D. Policy that i believe will greatly benefit our Service Members as they return home. Based on Bipartisan Legislation ive introduced, the Service Members transition improvement act, this amendment would require a Pilot Program at d. O. D. To transmit a comprehensive copy of a Service Members information to state veterans agencies. Veterans Service Agencies are a powerful resource, helping veterans through job assistance programs and navigating the benefits they have earned. This legislation will enable Veterans Services offices to assist Service Officers who reside in their communities and confirms that caring for our men and women in uniform does not end when they leave military service. Also, madam chairman, i rise today in support of my bipartisan amendment with mr. Co
I just met with secretary shinseki and rub neighbors who i took really assigned to work with secretary senseki at the va and we focus on two issues the allegations of misconduct and Veterans Affairs facilities and a the Broader Mission of caring for our veterans and their families. As commander in chief i have the honor of standing with our men and women in uniform and every step of their service. In and the moment they take their oath to win our troops prepare to deploy to afghanistan where they put their lives on the line for our security to the bedside as our Wounded Warriors fight to recover from terrible injuries. The most searing moments of my presidency going to walter reed or bethesda or bagram and meeting troops who have left a part of themselves on the battlefield and their spirit and their determination to recover and often to serve again is always an inspiration. So these men and women and their families are the best that our country has to offer. They have done their duty
Tangos off with the mirrorball trophy. After the finals perfect performance. You are marvelous. Reporte the couple flying all night on the gma express to be here live. Get ready for our epic dancing with the stars afterparty, only right here on gma. Good morning, america. And we want to take a look because all four of the finals all four couples from the final, boarding the gma express. What point is that . We dont fly like that. After that big show last night. They have touched down in new york city, after traveling all night. And theyre on their way, right now, for the big afterparty. Were going to have a lot of fun all morning long. And lets look at the winners. There they are. Maks and meryl. What an emotional win for both of them. She said it was all for him. And i was surprised. This is maks first win in 14 seasons of competing. He was so emotional. You should have seen his brother, val, and tony, the way they jumped for joy when it was announced. It was something to see. Thats c
Accountable. The Inspector General at the va has launched investigations into the phoenix va and other facilities. Some individuals have already been put on administrative leave. I know that people are angry and want swift reckoning. I sympathize with that. We have to let the investigators do their job and get to the bottom of what happened. Our veterans deserve to know the facts. Their families deserve to know the facts. Once we know the facts, i assure you, if there is misconduct, it will be punished. Second, i want to know the full scope of this problem, and thats why i ordered secretary shinseki to investigate. Today he updated me on his review, which is looking not just at the phoenix facility but also va facilities across the nation, and i expect preliminary results from that review next week. Third, i directed ron neighbors to conduct a broader review of the Veterans Health administration. The part of the va that delivers health care to our veterans, and ron going to phoenix tod