has taken more than 1,000 children of the fallen from 87 cities on a christmas trip filled with joy, family, and remembrance. their destination was disney world. every one of these children have lost a parent in military w service. we wantt to focus on these kids. we want to bring them together in this healing environment and also allow them to have a lot og fun when they are doing it. it s been really fun. and i like how we got to go on all the rides at disney world. because this is my first time at disney world. [cheers and applause] lot of gratitude. it was amazing at disney. it was super special. stephanie collier, herself a
scheduled to be home in time for thanksgiving. but things got pushed back with the afghan troop drawdown. julie: when you picture a hospital do cold and sterile rooms come to mind? authorities are trying to get a better look with softer colors and lights to help patients heal. reporter: it sounds like a healing environment. if you happen to see a hospital uncon stluks is a good chance it s being built with bean approach called evidence-based design. it s starting to catch fire now because 1,000 studies have shown a patient s environment can have a major impact on comfort and healing. so architects are working on soothing elements like natural light and sitle colors.
working with windchixar how was it originally used by nasa? the first thing we started to look for was astronauts in space, bone density and muscle mass. we were looking at ways to possibly stimulate that. and, doctor, this is really used to help with this mucus siets, that right? yes. infrared light creates a healing environment in the mucus member brains which results in lower pain scores and lower visible damage to the mucus membrane so the patient can recover faster. this is great news for cancer patients. is this fda approved? when might we see this on the market? i was talking to robin about that earlier, and there are ways that it can be made available, now that the fda has seen the data. and so it is it possible on anned ad hoc basis or