See that the dolls that. Were happy. To hear. Shots came from over there. Soon after the murder of my daughter genesis gym or training so often for running them so. Jeffrey either be. Themselves. For an accomplice or. It was picked up about a month and a half after all of that and he was picked up on gun charges that were linked to the murder. One of she looked. Like. A crime scene. Of the day and i was. All day i was on i dont want to. Go i was the people who put you out there and watched and one person im not just saying to people im saying a lot of people and you know see the cameras are on the camera see it has camera is a little store a camera is a full days had cameras everywhere and i was another right on this is that you know what happened a 12 year old girl. Was accidentally shot. And she died because of this. Paris every word you dont know is always going back to you. Or. You can write to me. But i will. Know when i want you to be honest and thats why i respect you good night
People who put you and watches in one person oh much as ancient people are saying a lot of people and you know these. Cameras. Have. Been released. To carry them out it was almost as you know that a 12 year old girl. Well that nearly shot and she died because of this. We dont know right now is also back to you. For all you can write to me. But i wasnt. There when i want you to be honest and thats why i respect what you did not you came you came you know people. Driving around. In ash you know what you want you want you want and youre telling us youre through and. Does not mark you are right why did you. Detect the be content that im seeing around wrath and seen us but i think that the Sanford Police hadnt said just a few bucks for the have children. Of them it went destroyed before the internet the flights coming out and there was clothes and they were returning to the woods and the victims were if i have only found us right now and you thought it was 5 and then he saw the big dump tru
From one block to the other and youre in other games territory for everybody posting for Different Reasons plus only do you plan to host you some clothes soon dude want to host a new fully house and then you. Will be house and then be told youre going to the house only need real only taking kid if it will be the 12 year old supposed to do to help with model fees brother who says this. Is only one option you will pick up some drugs or start a business big new york city in it you know will nice that were used to be closed loop in the pad this is the home before was sold out from the force and before so my son down the hill were going to see the law school its like were in a cage. With my pocket. Hes the one you. Have to like. To thank you. My father we pray for healing on this corner for prosperity york this corner point this corner of your ideas where i thought we have a right up right it did a. Very. Good feet before genesis it wasnt a bad you know go up in the hood is pretty pretty me