The Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) between the UK and EU established working-level Specialised Committees to monitor the implementation of the TCA. The Trade Specialised Committee on Customs Cooperation and Rules of Origin met for the first time on 7 October 2021.
With implementation of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement underway, INTA’s Brexit Task Force has completed an in-depth analysis of the Agreement on the future relationship of the European Union and United Kingdom as it relates to intellectual property.
Expressions of interest in relation to UK/EU trade and cooperation agreement arbitrators
The government is seeking people to appoint to lists of arbitrators and expert panellists for the dispute settlement mechanisms within the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA).
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It has now been a year since the UK exited the EU and a matter of months since the transition period came to an end. For the most part, there have not been major changes to environmental regulation in the UK. Instead, the UK has made small tweaks to its rules so that they make sense in the post-Brexit reality. Such tweaks may appear minor, but they can have major consequences for business. On top of this, divergences between EU and UK environmental laws are starting to creep in and going forward we can anticipate more.
one in one out applied to the introduction of new regulatory measures. In its
report to the OECD, the government claimed that 3,095 regulations were scrapped or improved and thereof 1,376 changes [had] a material benefit – apparently amounting to more than £1.2 billion. The Deregulation Act 2015 enacted many of the reforms identified by this exercise.
The New Labour years saw the rise of Regulatory Impact Assessments for new legislation and policies (later increasingly known as Impact Assessments), and the ascendancy of the Better Regulation Executive and
Regulatory Policy Committee. This tendency might have been thought to have reached its apogee when the one-time Department of Trade and Industry (now the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy) became the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform. However, it was under the Coalition Government that the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 introduced a statutory obligation on g