all eyes were on the april jobs report this week. welcome to your $$$$$. fewer jobs than expected were created and the labor force participation rate dropped to its lowest level since 1981. hold organizati hold organization i ll tell you what that is. bottom line, this was not a good report. chris even romans is here to break it down for us. 115,000 jobs isn t enough to convince anyone there s robust hiring going on here. hiring actually slowing in 8.1% as you point out is a drop in the unemployment rate, but it s because so many people dropped sought of the workforce in the month. let s take a look at where there were jobs created. health care, we ve seen that z consistently. health care, 19,000 jobs there. also saw jobs in leisure and hospitality. again, many of these are low wage jobs and that s a big question about the durability of the american dream with the kinds of jobs we re creating. retail jobs, 29,000 jobs created there. reversal from last month when we didn t
morning calling it trickle down taxation. pricey light. the new light bulb to replace regular hits stores this sunday, earth day. this thing lasts for 20 years. it costs as much as 60 bucks. new home. shuttle discovery hitching a ride heading up the east coast from florida to virginia. amazing new pictures this hour. an eye popping eruption you have got to see. newsroom begins right now. taxpayer outrage this morning is growing over the millions of dollars seemingly squandered by unanimous bureaucrats. right now the second hearing in two days. they are facing questions about their lavish convention in las vegas. a rewards program that gave employees ipods and gift cards worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. and a hawaii trip for some spending up to a week there for a ribbon cutting that lasted a mere hour. senior congressional correspondent dana bash is on capitol hill. yesterday we saw some pretty outraged lawmakers and apologetic witnesses. anything new coming
lot of head wind. what do you make of the president s press conference tonight? perfect sense. you re president of the united states. the one thing over the nominee, you re the president. all the trappings of the presidency. what s he doing today? having a press conference. by the way, he has to actually solve this, not just talk about like the nominees are doing. meeting with business leaders how to get the economy working. he s trying to build all the trappings that look good to win the voters and to americans by and large thinking about the economy, about things like iran. i want to do more in the primary, but i was reading speech excerpts the mitt romney and what struck me, the rhetoric is very much different, frankly, hotter rhetoric than netanyahu. but what is the policy differences between mitt romney and barack obama? i m having a hard time finding actual policy distinctions
this was a big manufacturing hub in new hampshire and we feel like our message is resonating here and we didn t have any television, no broadcasts and we started running television in south carolina, but we ve run a little bit of cable, but not very much. and so, you ve got perry whose he run several weeks of television, gingrich who has a union leader endorsement and running television. you ve got ron paul and john huntsman has lived her and running television. we have, so far crept up from the 2 or 3 points we were in iowa into double digits, that s a huge advance in the face of that head wind. sean: let me ask you a national security question. leon panetta was asked whether iran was developing a weapon and he said no. and you, as president would take out the site the amount of cognitive.
as we know from our own banking crisis in 2008, there s nowhere to hide if europe really does melt down and the eurozone fails to maintain the euro. the risk is still out there. i have a lot of faith those in the eurozone are committed to making this work. that said it s going to be a very rocky year. every day, day in and day out, we find financial markets are watching what the italian bond auction is, what the spanish bond action is, german, french bond auction. this is odd. that means we really aren t decoupled. you can have a reacceleration of growth in the united states but this is a head wind for us, not only because directly exports to europe is slowing as europe goes into recession but indirectly europe is china s largest trading partner and china is slowing as well and they buy a lot of our stuff. richard quest host of cnn s quest means business, richard, happy new year to you.