Regulatory News: Median Technologies (ALMDT) announces today the publication of an initiation report by Bryan Garnier Co, a pan-European investment bank focusing on growth companies. In the initiation
Pursuant to article L-223-8 II of the French "code de Commerce" and 223-16 of the AMF's General Regulations. Regulatory News: Median Technologies (Paris:ALMDT): Total number of shares
Regulatory News: Median Technologies (ALMDT) announced today that it will be presenting an abstract at the 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting, June 3-7, McCormick Place, Chicago, IL, USA (exhibition dates:
With Imaging Lab, Median will provide biopharmaceutical companies with new decision-making tools for clinical trials by leveraging images with data mining and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies
Median has received the FDA's feedback following the 513(g) regulatory submission for its iBiopsy LCS CADe/CADx Software as Medical Device. Median will proceed through a 510(k) submission