Continued from yesterday’s back page
Bangladesh came second to the last out of the five worst places to be born on Earth just as the reporter says that the country of Bangladesh is a republic located in South Asia and is the fourth worst place to be born in modern times. x
Malnutrition, among other health issues, has long plagued Bangladesh.
In fact, the World Bank has ranked Bangladesh as the number one area in the world for children to suffer from malnutrition. Vast majorities of the population are undernourished, underweight, anemic, and growth stunted. Angola came fifth and the writers of the report said that the Republic of Angola is a southern African territory and is known as the fifth-worst place to be born. Angola has suffered extensive periods of economic hardships due to nearly twenty-seven years of civil war. Due to long periods of constant battle, Angola has also proved to be quite dangerous for its natives. The life expectancy