Sick of "best of" lists? This one's a "favorites of" rundown of shows seen in 2022 in small, medium and large (mostly) Houston venues. Which were your favorites of the year?
While there may not be “seven swans a swimming, six geese a-laying, five golden rings…four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves and a partridge in…
I can t pretend to understand the U.K. government. I can say, though, that its scandals seem to be more entertaining than ours (though maybe that s more because we don t live there). Some of that, especially regarding the revolving-door occupants of No. 10 Downing St., has at least a little to do with a certain furry government member.
Before the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers built the McClellan-Kerr Navigation System (from 1963-1971), it was sometimes possible to cross the Arkansas River by foot by dodging the snakes, 15-foot brush and deposits of what Otus the Head Cat called carnivorous sand.