toghnit, chireldn and covid in tshi uncotry,nd a the cdc panenol w recomndmeing tonhtig pfizer booerst shots for ildren 5 to 11. pfiz nerow ssay it increesas tianbodies against t oheriginal omicron rivaant 2-22-fold. the aboiortn batetl in this country,nd a tonight, the oklamaho legislaretuas psing the mostes rtrictivebo artion ban in erica. banning artboion beginni angt coepnction, with few exctiepons and sending it ttohe goverr no toghnit. > presidten biden meengtiit wh leadersf o finndla and sdewen at eth white hseou today, supporngti their bid to join na nato, fydeing thrtsea from vladimirut pin. > thebc a newsxc elusive tonight. mart rhaaddatz on board the uss maine. otectinghe t u.s. from potential nuclear teahrts. and what theyep kt secret there marthave en while she was onboard. the fstir ceas of monkeypox in the u.s.hi ts year. what wkne ow about theat pient in msaaschusetts. d the psiosble new case now being investgated in new yo rk ci.ty thexp elosion at a
a massachetusts man is in isolioatn aerft becomgin sick with monkeypo ax, virus retelad to smallp.ox he is said to be doing well and poseso n risk to the public. doorcts at boston sas ms genaler port the man developed mptoms aerft a vitis to cadana. eyth are invtiesgating wthheer the case is lkeind to small tpx tbresak in europe. separately, the cdc says six americs anare beingon mitored afrte tyhe set near a brishti nkmoeypopax tient o an rentce flig fhtromig neria to loonnd. and word of a posblsie case under investigaonti in new yk or city b sell viewos hpital he, re asel wl. wh wene come bkac here nitoght, the explosion and feir aat cstonruction several people hu,rt including fireghfiters on e thscene. uryo projectdos ne rhtig
day. feinctions qdruaupling ithn e stla six wee.ks abou25t ,000 patnties in the sphoital, thhie ghest nuermb since mimad-rch. i will y,sa this paicrtular ruvis contins ueto throws u cuebrvalls. ani d think itea rlly contueins find peleop who havnoe t been infected. nd a so t lesri bng in whit hnjoson d anwhit, thisew n recoenmmdation on boosters for chilendr 5 to 11 cesom at aim te en a trdhi of arimecans are living in areas ttha are at medi oumr high ri,sk that level has been heighneted justhe t stla couple dofays. reporr:te and veda, for tseho ghhi risk ars,ea like right here ninew york tyci,he t cdc is ain recommeinndg that people wear masks indos.or ny public officials are lereg tant to bngri back the athe t same ti,me 39 states and territieors are no sweeing an increasen i hospital miadssions. vidad? a ll right, wthi hnjoson,ur o anks to you tonight. now to the abortnio ttbale. oklahoma l segislatu hreas now ssed wha wtould behe t most strerictive orabtion