charles krauthammer is not just a day at the park. it s essentially grad school for baseball. okay. this is unfortunate matchup. the only reason salano is in there, he s backup catcher that doesn t hit very well. come on. no, no, no, no. he s a catcher. can t run. from time to time, charles writes about baseball. typically in a way that transcends the sport. take his column of rick ankiel, 21-year-old pitching phenom who back in 2000 fell apart when he was picked to start a playoff game. with a huge national tv audience watching, he suddenly couldn t throw a strike. he never pitched the same again. but instead of writing, he went back down to the minors. learned a new position and returned to the majors as a hitter. the column is reprinted in krauthammer s book things that
baseball. okay. this is unfortunate matchup. the only reason salano is in there, he s backup catcher that doesn t hit very well. come on. no, no, no, no. he s a catcher. can t run. from time to time, charles writes about baseball. typically in a way that transcends the sport. take his column of a 21-year-old pitching phenom who back in 2000 fell apart when he was picked to start a playoff game. with a huge national tv audience watching, he suddenly couldn t throw a strike. he never pitched the same again. but instead of writing, he went back down to the minors. learned a new position and returned to the majors as a hitter. the column is reprinted in krauthammer s book things that matter. it s in the personal section just a few pages after the piece
into oxford, as well, to study political theory. would krauthammer choose a life of science or a life of letters? the brilliant graduate had enviable options, but he hadn t figured out what mattered most to him, so he split the difference. he put off harvard, enrolled at oxford, and while studying history s great political philosophers, he met a fellow student from australia, robyn trethewey, attractive and brilliant, too, a clerk to the chief justice of her home state s supreme court. but so much would change in the three years between when they met and married, beginning with his sudden decision to leave england. i had this little epiphany of sorts. i started in political theory. it was getting more and more abstract. i learned a lot, but i began to feel that i was very sort of spinning out into a universe that didn t have anything to do with the real world. i called the registrar at harvard medical school and said,