might not got for an operation like that. yes. sonia wanted to win. she wasn t scared to fail. did you think you were going to fail? i was very nervous to say the least. it had taken nine years to get to this moment, a team of cops watched and video taped as the undercovers approached magdi. he s stepping out of the car right now. everyone was on edge except for the man cast in the role of d money. you had to be going over in your mind like, you know, if he says this, if he does this, i m going to. no, things come out spontaneously. really? you have to be quick. he say a, i say b, he say c, i say d, you have to have something up there. there s nothing you can rehears, nothing you can write down, either you can do it or you can t. still, there was cause for worry, these officers looked the part, they had never done anything like this before. were you worried about sort of their acting ability? i was concerned.