l hief oiothnce,lltheyosnyn lyh g activity, and there s political upheaval. otos.anien ensstahreeen lyt wh tohieavelltheyhies lhr es and t puts pressure on our border. so in% h y wayselomenecrhieylwiity he peg. s out whec of by having stable environments in s dl osrittiontho. rith ts in the region. neil: i was wondering, too, dtlltheyatihasurinith wallthey cotheynrus llthe tsure oohn kel my interviews with him, in this cly ffityith waen g rmen cly ff dtllos.ani l terror threats. geraldo: first from,en o d at thrslltheyllaiibh ith wa ext itllo other terrorist groups. obviously, you guys see on aswi s. nk every% s. nk every% menand th some scary stuff. that you couldwotreposehast or evith eare lrit. elaniticero and that was a constant concern of his. terrorllhrhast whn osai. l ch repreatreatthere r sewi. e administration, his musings about that and hrsrephaslllthe