trump s legal troubles have taken center stage and it may be providing him with a boost. quote, when the impending indictment from manhattan d.a. alvin bragg started dominating the news, trump stood at 47%, and then when trump was convicted of rape, he sat just below 54%. joining us, our guests, both msnbc political analysts. if you are in the bottom tier of the 2024 candidate, how do you break out when this is what has happened? well, josé, that is the trap that republicans find themselves in. donald trump, he keeps getting more and more popular among republican primary voters despite the fact that his legal troubles and all of the other
controversies surrounding him would make it very difficult for him to win in a general election, swing district and swing state voters just have not supported donald trump or his movement for the last three general elections, so these lower tier candidates, which is pretty much everyone except trump and maybe desantis, really have to find a way to connect with voters and make a sober argument that at the same time connects with the voters and explains to them that even though they may like trump, even though they like trump s style, and maybe they like his policies, that if republicans want to win in 2024, they are probably going to have to go with a different candidate. meanwhile, utah senator, mitt romney, wrote an op-ed urging mega donors to with draw, and he said that decision day should be
to see if there will be an indictment or no indictment. what does the office hope to learn from the documents bernard carrick handed over? well, this is interesting. they just got them late sunday night, early monday, roughly a couple thousand pages and this is work product that he and rudy giuliani put together as they were investigating claims of voter fraud after the 2020 election. obviously they found nothing conclusive, but the documents may show this will serve more information that donald trump had at his disposal even as he was going out and claiming all the voter fraud, and even his allies that went out looking for it came up empty-handed. carrick kerik himself is
when there s a third indictment, but so far it has been a very lucrative strategy for the trump campaign to use these indictments to appeal to the base that they give to defend him and give to the campaign. donald trump revealed last week he received a target letter. is there a timeframe from the time they receive a target letter to the time the indictment is headed up, should that happen? i wouldn t say a general timeframe, but i will say when we deliver target letters to somebody that has been investigated in the grand jury for a long time, that signals the prosecution team is pretty much at the investigative end game and are ready to move on to the next and what is often the final step, which is going back into the grand jury and asking them to consider and vote on those charges and if the grand jury believes there s probable cause supporting the charges
indictments and pending indictment in two ways, basically to force voters to choose sides, and they cast a situation where you are either with donald trump or with the prosecutors out to get him because he s the top polling republican candidate. donald trump pulled away from the rest of the field and really has never looked back, and the second element is in fundraising, where trump raised more money than any of the other republican candidates thus far, so far $35 million pulled in in the last quarter. they fundraised around two of the indictments, hitting up people on text and email and conflating donald trump s legal fight with his political fights to come. it s worth pointing out that they have less of a return out of that effort on the second indictment than they did on the first. we will see how it goes if and