the new york times and the guardian are call him a whistle employeer and pushing for the government to either drop its case against him or offer him a deal so that he can return to the u.s. without fearing life in prison. the times editorial board writes this, considering the enormous value of the information he has revealed and the abuses he has exposed, mr. snowden desesrves better than a life of permanent exile, fear and flight. he may have committed a crime to do so but he has done his country a great service. it is time for the united states to offer mr. snowden a plea bargain or some form of clemency that would allow him to return home. snowden is currently in russia, where she was granted temporary asylum. he faises espionage and other charges in the u.s. for guiving journalists classified information about the nsa s mass phone and internet surveillance programs. cnn justiceer evan perez