education is a necessity to flourish. reading and writing and the ability to do math and understand history and civics, not just important for the individuals but also for the country itself. the pandemic and our response and reaction to it are issues worth analyzing, there were challenges in education long before the covid virus struck. from safety at school to preparing students for work or college to social integration and learning to exist and thrive within the broader community, these are just some of the things we ask our educators and school systems to do. then the external factors there are a shortage of teachers, our schools have become targets for those who seek to prey to the must vulnerable. those who want schools to be more than places to learn, but political battle feels and social laboratories where the differences which exist in other areas of life manifest themselves, education, knowledge, pursuit of learning remain at the core not only of powerful force for
playing they said i had a responsibility to coach and help other kids, it shows when you fund programs like this, it can make the difference in lives of young people no matter what income or what zip. code. i can t to one of best public high school in the country, the person i gravitated to most there was head custodian. he was a hard working, african-american man who gave me a hug when i needed it or a kick in the behind when i need trkd he en ed it, he instilled i needed to take it serious eand be better, you never know who you will find to be that mentor it is important how you carry yourself. trey: i tell you congressman that c custodian did a good job, you were best
relish with cook outs, lakes, pools and family get togethers m maybe golf it is good to reflect on what this day means and what it signifies, why it is worth celebrating. american worker, a gift of having a job. fellow since whose do hard, dirty thankless jobs that keep the country going. work and those who do it, is who we celebrate on labor day. our willingness to ability to to work. the opportunity and value mof work, i am grateful for every job that i have, even those that don t pay and all of the jobs on the way. for those i met and what i have learned, my first job was cutting grass, i had 3 sisters, they did not know
social development. all three of those prepare us for the next stage in life. we have fallen dramatically behind in the academic areas. and you alluded to it, the safety in your schools, both of those have a direct impact on the mental health of our students. we have got to do something different. i agree with what your prior guest said, i don t care who you voted for, this is an educational issue. this is a health care issue. we have let these kids down. we have we the adults, have a new start to a year to do something different. we need to get input from those experts, we have got to stop making the same mistake of getting this information from a sock puppet of the political parties it has hurt our kids
can make us happier, yet young people experience loneliness and isolation, in some places at school. how to we square that fact. a big problem, but nice to be with you, i study topic of happiness and way ordinary people can get more of it it comes from relationships. happiness is love. you get it from our religion faith and families and real friendships and. one thing that brings us to those institutions, especially the work that can fulfill us and help others more is through our education. pass on the blessings to other people, the education systems are isolating. we need to figure out ways to be more inclusive.