the highest business tax rates anywhere in the world. 60% higher than other developed countries. this is a massive economic disadvantage for america. costing us millions and millions of jobs, and trillions of dollars. under our plan that you re going to see next week, enjoy it, okay? enjoy it. you re gonna love it. [ cheers ] . president trump: it will be the biggest tax cut, i ve got to get itge approved by richard an by luther, but i have a problem you ll be okay. luther you promise? if you don t vote for it, i m leaving right now. he doesn t vote for it, i m taking away the endorsement. no, but under luther and under richard we re going to have one of the lowest tax rates in the developed world bringing back our jobs, our companies, bringing them back to our shores. with luther s help we re going to reform our tax code to make american business competitive
bring it back. so if they go into this and blow it up, any chance to do anything with obamacare, that s out the window. they have to be very careful and make sure that they have the vote count down to the tee when they do go, if they go. shepard: this isn t a small matter, chad. the conservatives don t like the structure at all. they call it obama care light. they don t think the government needs to be in this business and they don t seem to be willing to change their mind. that s one thing that mark meadows said. he s the chair of the freedom caucus. he s not the conscious of the freedom caucus. he doesn t vote in their districts. he doesn t represent those people. he has to speak only for his district and they have to speak for the people in their district. that s where they talked about this title one of obamacare. the essential health benefits. that they required the bills in every health package that is insured under. maternity leave care, medicine and so on.
legislation were overwhelmingly against it. then the damage control got even worse after that. the romney campaign then tried to roll out public support from two actual women who serve in congress who support mitt romney, and that was neat. women, look. but it did not help, because both of those women were among the almost all republicans who voted against the lilly ledbetter fair pay act in kronk. and that brings us to today. so there is another equal pay for women bill in the news. it s called the paycheck fairness act, and it s kind of companion legislation. it s kind of the other half of what was passed in the ledbetter act. among other things, companies who pay women less than men for the same work would have to justify why it is that they are doing that. democrats are planning a procedural vote on the paycheck fairness act in the senate sometime this week. and the mitt romney campaign has been doing its level best to avoid saying anything about the
since the people who did vote against the legislation were overwhelmingly against it. then it got worse after that. the romney campaign then tried to roll out public support from two actual women who serve in congress who support mitt romney, and that was neat. women, look. but it did not help, because bows of those women were among the almost all republicans who voted against the lilly ledbetter fair pay act in congress. and that brings us to today. so there is another equal pay for women bill in the news. it s called the paycheck fairness act, and it s kind of companion legislation. it s kind of the other half of what was passed in the ledbetter act. among other things, companies who pay women less than men for the same work would have to justify why it is that they are doing that. democrats are planning a procedural vote on the paycheck fairness act in the senate sometime this week. and the mitt romney campaign has been doing its level best to avoid saying anything about the paychec
light breeze, sprinkles, but otherwise pretty good. the conventional wisdom of american politics and wisconsin politics is that good weather leads to sort of casual voters deciding to vote instead of staying home, so they probably break democratic. in terms of the democrats, i guess, logistical capacity, it s true around the country, it s particularly true in states like wisconsin, that so much of the democrats get out the vote effort essentially depends on being copacetic with what the unions are doing to get out the vote. labor has been this key ally, particularly on election day. not just in terms of spending but in terms of door knocking and making efforts and getting people to the polls. how have wisconsin unions taken enough of a hit because of implementation of the union laws in the state that we will see a material difference in what they are able to do in getting out the vote efforts? i think, indeed, if the law