and i know it t s not going to e kamalare because they re already at the stage ofis the administration where she s getting ten jobs get. did you just see that videog fi her being a wal-mart greeterm down at the fish hatchery? sh hatin the philippines? don t yeah, they don t even know wha who she is . they don t even know what she s saying. yingbut this is a really, reall quick thing. there s a thing people with kids do, and you coulda speak to this. you can speak to this.yo when youu havhae a busy house and you have kids getting in the way, you give them pretend jobs like, hey, lincoln, do youn want to go get the monsters outt of the washing machine is oh, boy monstersmachin. he runs down to the washing machine. they re now doing that with the vice president . hey, you want to go to the monsters off the dock? he doc k she s down on the dock saying hello. it won t be her. that s my only guess. yeah.t the philippines is deeply offended that that washat ph the grandparentsil taken. d