this sunday morning to sunday morning futures. thank you for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo. president biden response to the house oversight committee bribery.ns ofomo. explained to the americans impeachment cory why are youu interacted with your son andig brother and businessn associati will not comment on that, i did not.te it s a bunch of liesr:.n he didn t interact y didre not. r lies. the evidence and impact before congressman ed oversightu committee member warren donald coming up plus the national securityp.e na threat of not hoa china accountable foblr anythin. the covid, surveillance bloom propaganda war and so much more. kentucky senator rand paul on the covid corrupt and whetheris another one is on its way over plus record apprehensions at the southernth border, senator roget marshall on the battle olef poly change of the u.s. order versus money to protect ukraine and it. border. anti-semitism surging across the country with goals fors univ