have nothing to show for it. you haveve n no close friends. your family is in tatters of your two surviving children. one is a drug addict and theher other you re only living.daught daughter has been arrested repeatedlyer hasee and has also wound up in rehab. she blames her compulsions withhe fact you took showers with her as a child. you ve never been charged for doing that. s that y but everyone around you knows that you did. at this point, your wife thinkss so little of you that shekeep w demanded you keep working despite the fact she knew perfectlyor she k well thau had dementia. in retrospect, your life has. life amounted to a very sad story.ado and saddest of all, it sry almot over weeks from now youth will turn 80 . this is the point inis is your journey where a decent man turns inward. old age is the pause that god gives us to reflect on whate we ve done and what we ve left. undone. ifd e all, to ponder where we might be going next. ho you re joe biden, you would pon
7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning, fox nation o. well, it s so common that you barely notice it, butt comp the biggest companies inan the country discriminate openly against their employeesyi on the basis of skin color. the they call it equity.s of s it s racism, butki it ss chan everywhere. gi it s illegal.s th what s changing is that some employees are fighting back . brian netsol, who worked fork a decade at amex t amex u until he was fired in 2020, just filedit a class action lawsuit againstrv the company. he says that american express, quote, gave preferentialen treatmentit toal individuals for being black and unambiguous, unambiguously signal to white employees that their race wast an impediment to getting aheadtt in the company. again, that s happening everywhere. and here s someone who s taking it to court. david tarak is the lawyer in this case. he represents nestle and he h joins us tonight. mr. patrick , thanks so much for joining us . so. i m not a lawyer, but it t does seem
so what happens in jackson, mississippi? o happens iimpacts each and evf us . and soe of us. we have to make the decision that we re going to start controlling the wayl po electoral politics proceeds. and so wane made a decision thah we re going to be the most radical city on the planet. jackson, mississippi is going to be the most radical city on the planet.y on most politicians don t t followt through on their promises, butst chokwe lumumba definitely did. he has made jackson so radical that it no longer has drinking water or any water for the third day in a row. you just can t get water in.th jackson, the city s main treatment plant failed on monday. residents cannot now flush their toilets. firemen can t fight fires. fires, waiting in lines a mile long to get bottledge water from the national guard. jackson state university justre announced that there is , quote, low was l to no water pre at all campus locations.
web browser, one click data clearing and more stop companies like google from watching you, by downloading the app today. duckduckgo: privacy, simplified. out if you qualify. call 855 five nine three four two seven zero. a man called chokwe lumumba was elected mayor of jackson, mississippi in 2017 in a landslide. hea rans as a socialist and he won a sauvie level 93% ofh he the vote, which you wouldn t think is possible. t thennkt it happened. then after he assumed office, he went to michael bloomberg s harvard city leadership initiative. leadership designed to train mayors to, quote, manage the complexities of running a city. al now, alll of this filledme reponews media with excitementdi . they were thrilled as th ae nation recorded at the time, quote, lumumba lit up left press with his promise to make jackson and we re quotingcity o the most radical cityn s on the planet. here s what he wha pledged.
a military coup. americans are not and most americans are really nices ar on both sides and decent people. it sce on b it worries me that he s talking this way. and i appreciate your perspective on jamespe hansen. thank youctiv.e. thank you. so as he told you last night,eyl the energy grid d in our biggesa state, california, is falling apart. keep can t keep the lights on , bu the lt the governor of that n gavin newsom, doesn t seem tooou worried. he announced this weeks week the is banning gasoline vehicles in california coming soon. that will mean everyone needsd u an electric car . so we asked duringnigh last nigs show, how are people going to charge these electric cars if c the energy grid in california can t even run their washing machines? a eruthat was a rhetorical ques. we got our answer very quickly just a few minutes after that show aired, california grid a operator told residents to t engage in, quote, energyengage conservation over the long weekend. what does that mean?