HDFC Capitals Rs 1,000-crore joint platform with Emerald Haven Realty (TVS Emerald) for plotted developments is in talks to close three transactions for land parcels spread over a total 45 acres in Chennai and Bengaluru, said persons with direct knowledge of the developments. These land parcels in the emerging residential areas of Chennai and Bengaluru will act as the seed assets for the platform that has been set up recently with focus on plotted and low-rise development in the property markets in South India.
These land parcels in the emerging residential areas of Chennai and Bengaluru will act as the seed assets for the platform that has been set up recently with focus on plotted and low-rise development in the property markets in South India.
The Indian government-backed National Investment and Infrastructure Fund (NIIF) has built a diversified portfolio of alternative investment funds as part of its first fund-of-funds even as it ..
Arvind SmartSpaces and HDFC Capital will invest ₹300 crore and ₹600 crore respectively in the joint venture and the funds will be used for the acquisition of new projects for residential development