HCL said Thursday it plans to vaccinate 100 per cent of its India-based eligible employees and their families with the first dose by June 30. This includes staff at all group firms, such as HCL Technologies, HCL Infosystems and HCL Healthcare, and Shiv Nadar Foundation and its institutions. The company said it has already vaccinated more than 25 per cent of its eligible workforce with at least one dose. HCL is investing over Rs 100 crore to ensure free vaccination services for employees and their families, as well as the third party vendor personnel working with the organisation. The group plans to have administered approximately 700.000 doses (including two doses per person) by the end of the drive.
“The $10 billion revenue milestone is a testament of our remarkable resilience as an organization and the entrepreneurial spirit of our more than 159,000 employees. With this gesture, we want to sincerely express our gratitude to our employees and their families for all their support,” said Apparao VV, chief human resources officer, HCL Technologies.
The special bonus will be paid to employees in February, amounting to approximately $90 million plus payroll taxes in some countries.
The figure is excluded from the FY21 (2020-21) EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) guidance provided by the company last month.
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