The Ram Navami celebrations, which began around 8 pm on Friday, concluded on Saturday night. Braving heavy rains, 91 akharas took part in the centuries-old celebrations in the town's Boddom Bazar in Bada Thakur Bari area
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Around 700 people were injured while playing with swords and sticks during Ram Navami celebrations in Jharkhand s Hazaribag district, officials said on Saturday. India News | 700 People Injured While Performing with Swords, Sticks on Ram Navami in Hazaribag.
A police constable in Jharkhand's Hazaribagh district was detained after the body of his live-in partner, a 25-year-old woman, was found in his official quarter here, a senior police officer said.