mission. a call has just come in that a small dingy has been spotted in the middle of the strait of gibraltar. no time to lose for the coast guard and their colleagues at the rescue center. last year instead of having to rescue seventeen hundred we had to rescue seventy six hundred people that that number pushes us to the very limit of our capabilities for a fourth on this at the ball and then. the strait of gibraltar is a special area here the worlds of africa and europe a separated by just thirteen kilometers strong winds attract water sports enthusiasts here from all over and increasingly migrants choose the strait as their entrance to europe like the occupants of this damaged risk you just in time by the spanish coast guard despite the dangers people continue to take the gamble. and.
people have been forced to flee their homes. while these people long for peace the pisces music can be it cool forward conciliation at a time to bring stability to the wilds the youngest mission. specialist. while most of the migrants reaching europe s southern shores arrived in italy via the coast of libya last year but as steps taken to shut down that route are expanding people seeking safety and jobs in europe are returning to another tried route the number of migrants crossing from morocco to spain passed twenty thousand last year knots twice the figure of the previous year another big rise is predicted for this year the large numbers of people crossing the hazardous strait of gibraltar is testing the limits of spanish mergence reserves. to refill in southern spain the gateway to europe. the coast guard is on another risky