EPA announced its first ever NPDWR proposal for 6 PFAS substances in drinking water including enforceable national standards called Maximum Contaminant Levels for PFOA and PFOS and enforceable water concentration limits using a Hazard Index formula for mixtures of 4 other PFAS.
Today the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a pre-publication version of its highly anticipated proposed National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR) for certain.
With release of EPA proposed drinking water limits for certain PFAS, answers to questions of how low will limits be, which PFAS will be included are answered. Understanding what will come next is critical for corporations, insurers, financial world portfolio risk analysts.
EPA has announced its first ever National Primary Drinking Water Regulation (NPDWR) proposal for six PFAS substances in drinking water. Importantly, EPA is proposing legally enforceable.
In a highly anticipated move, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) just announced proposed regulations under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) setting express limits on the.