An Honor Flight convoy for veterans of the Korean and Vietnam Wars as well as Operation Desert Storm will travel through Scottsbluff around midday Thursday.
Feb 2, 2021
HAY SPRINGS, Neb. (AP) Two Minnesota residents died in a crash near Hay Springs in western Nebraska, authorities said.
The crash happened early Friday morning on State Highway 87, about 6 miles (9.66 kilometers) south of Hay Springs, the Nebraska State Patrol said.
Investigators believe a pickup truck driven by a 45-year-old Hays Springs man ran a stop sign at a highway intersection and hit a small sport utility vehicle that was traveling on the highway. The patrol says the two people in the SUV Remington Harder, 22, of Hutchinson, Minnesota, and Josey Tensen, 24, of Glenwood, Minnesota were thrown from the car and died at the scene.
HAY SPRINGS, Neb. (AP) Two Minnesota residents died in a crash near Hay Springs in western Nebraska, authorities said.
The crash happened early Friday morning on State Highway 87, about 6 miles (9.66 kilometers) south of Hay Springs, the Nebraska State Patrol said.
Investigators believe a pickup truck driven by a 45-year-old Hays Springs man ran a stop sign at a highway intersection and hit a small sport utility vehicle that was traveling on the highway. The patrol says the two people in the SUV Remington Harder, 22, of Hutchinson, Minnesota, and Josey Tensen, 24, of Glenwood, Minnesota were thrown from the car and died at the scene.
2 Minnesota residents killed in western Nebraska crash Follow Us
Question of the Day By - Associated Press - Monday, February 1, 2021
HAY SPRINGS, Neb. (AP) - Two Minnesota residents died in a crash near Hay Springs in western Nebraska, authorities said.
The crash happened early Friday morning on State Highway 87, about 6 miles (9.66 kilometers) south of Hay Springs, the Nebraska State Patrol said.
Investigators believe a pickup truck driven by a 45-year-old Hays Springs man ran a stop sign at a highway intersection and hit a small sport utility vehicle that was traveling on the highway. The patrol says the two people in the SUV - Remington Harder, 22, of Hutchinson, Minnesota, and Josey Tensen, 24, of Glenwood, Minnesota - were thrown from the car and died at the scene.
Photo: Pexels/MGN. Created: February 01, 2021 07:19 AM
Authorities in western Nebraska say two Minnesota residents have died in a crash near Hay Springs.
The Nebraska State Patrol says the crash happened early Friday morning on State Highway 87, south of Hay Springs.
Investigators say a pickup truck driven by a 45-year-old Hays Springs man ran a stop sign at a highway intersection and hit a small sport utility vehicle that was traveling on the highway.
The patrol says the two people in the SUV, 22-year-old Remington Harder of Hutchinson, Minnesota, and 24-year-old Josey Tensen, of Glenwood, Minnesota, were thrown from the car and died at the scene.