Jim was nice, I'm sure that he could have taken it deeper, and remember, these are jokes from a comedian, let's not lose our heads here. There is a lot of that going around and none of it ends well.
The Goulash Place, fittingly serves goulash and other Hungarian-American fare. I did not complete my mission; I didn’t go in or try the food but I’ll get around to that. I just wanted you to know it is there because why not?
The Cemetery below (Wooster Street) not Wooster Cemetery was already part of the landscape for nearly 100 years when the event took place. Some of these graves were already in the ground as fires raged on Main Street and the surrounding areas.
Not every bank robbery is an open and shut case like I used to believe. I figure, it's the digital era, if they are on camera, they are getting caught but that is not how it always shakes out. According to CT Financial Crimes Most Wanted, the following 6 cases are open investigations, either by the police department, or the banks themselves.