Marcus Agnew: Will 2021 be our year of opportunity?
14 Jan, 2021 11:46 PM
5 minutes to read
By: Marcus Agnew
With the reflective time out we had during Covid lockdown, and with the masses of monies that have been thrown around post lockdown, 2021 looms as an exciting year for the region, and it is going to be fascinating to see what further community sport and health developments emerge this year.
Hastings has done incredibly well out of it, and hopefully Napier will too.
Park Island is a huge opportunity with its location, existing sporting infrastructure; with its ample and beautiful spaces, it lies there inert and ready for action.
Marcus Agnew: Big thanks to the surf lifesavers
17 Dec, 2020 09:47 PM
5 minutes to read
Hawkes Bay Today
It was great getting along to Westshore in Napier last Sunday morning, and seeing the next crop of surf lifesavers mixing it up and getting among it at the local carnival.
All the local clubs fronting up to make for a great day for all the juniors, pitching their skills and competing for their clubs on the sand and in the surf.
Unless you happen to be a part of it, it is one of those unseen yet crucial community activities going on, where we have a great bunch of community volunteers, hidden away from the limelight, but doing so much to develop knowledge and confidence in the surf for our young people.