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The Expanse, developed by Mark Fergus and Hawk Osby (and based on the sci-fi book series of the same name by James S.A. Corey), is one of today’s best science fiction television shows because it deals with contemporary issues and humanizes marginalized groups. The series is an excellent demonstration of how one should adapt a novel into a successful TV series. Season 5 continues that trend.
In this latest season, Belter terrorist and leader of the “Free Navy” Marco Inaros threatens Earth and any peace among the three human groups. Ex- Martian Marine Corps Sergeant Bobbie Draper, Luna Ambassador Chrisjen Avasarala, and retired Martian Navy pilot Alex Kamal investigate the Martian military who appear to be selling weapons on the black market to aid the “Free Navy.” Naomi Nagata and James Holden try to stop the terrorist group from destroying Earth or hurting innocent civilians. Amos Burton deals with some unfinished business down on Earth but finds himself in