Though players on all platforms are encountering bugs, performance-related bugs appear to be especially prevalent for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One players.
On PS4, for instance, the game runs between 720p and 900p resolution, and the framerate regularly drops below 30 frames-per-second the standard for smooth-looking gameplay according to an analysis by Digital Foundry.
For players on console, that can mean blurry visuals and a game that doesn t run smoothly.
In my experience with the game on an Xbox Series X, I ve encountered a handful of bugs: A character who kept turning his head while speaking, and objects in the world that appeared to pop in too late, among a few other small things. These issues are relatively typical in big games, and Cyberpunk 2077 developer CD Projekt Red is promising to address various issues in upcoming updates.
Data breeches. Updated on 10 December 2020
Alright, so I think it s safe to say we all know Cyberpunk 2077 is having a bit of a rough launch. The game is looking messy on base last-gen consoles, and players are starting to discover some of the many bugs highlighted by critics in their reviews. Some of these are genuinely quite annoying, but others are pretty harmless and often hilarious, even if they break immersion. A brief glimpse of how the sausage gets made.
The glitch currently getting the most attention on social media is rather NSFW, if you hadn t guessed from the headline, and it involves the game s genital options. You can view the cursed video here - but basically, V can t keep it in their pants. If you choose to give your character a penis, it can clip outside their trousers and wiggle around a bit. It seems quite a few people have encountered this glitch, but apparently removing and re-equipping your trousers can solve the situat