however, in 2013-2014, there was a new company set up, a kind of spin-off from scl which was cambridge analytica. now it was funded in large part by robert mercer, the kind of mega donor, republican mega donor. steve bannon was involved at that very early stage and alexander nix is the ceo. and now your investigation, i mean this is alexander nix being approached by someone he thinks is a possible client who is going to want to get people elected i think in sri lanka, is that correct? yes, that s right. and what kinds of things does he say he is willing to do, or that they have done in the past? so the setup, chris, i think it s important to understand, our operatives, if you like, a glamorous word, posed as representatives of a havesri la family who wanted cambridge analytica s help to win elections in sri lanka. they were looking for a sales pitch from cambridge analytica, and that s what they got. initially there were four meetings. in the first few meetings it was