The Fairlee Public Library and North Haverhill’s Patten Library have earned $2,500 rural library grants from the Children’s Literacy Foundation.The two libraries are among 12 smaller libraries throughout the Twin States that will get funding for new.
FAIRLEE A Haverhill woman died following a single car crash on Route 5 in Fairlee on Wednesday night, according to a news release from Vermont State Police. Miriam Metz, 79, was driving a 2013 Audi A3 north on Route 5 in Fairlee at about 10:30 p.m..
HAVERHILL In the town floor meeting on Saturday afternoon, voters rejected three petitioned warrant articles, including one that would have recommended the removal of Haverhill Town Manager Brigette Codling, according to Town Clerk Christina.
HAVERHILL The Election Law Unit of the New Hampshire Attorney General s Office is serving a subpoena to a Manchester-based printer responsible for a political mailing that went to Haverhill voters, according to a Tuesday news release.The subpoena is.
WEST LEBANON Some Upper Valley towns are inviting voters to cast absentee ballots for Town Meeting voting on Monday, in advance of a winter storm predicted for Tuesday, when in-person ballot voting is scheduled for many New Hampshire towns and.