(Additional photographs below.) The first YMCA Freight Farm in the country was formally inaugurated Wednesday at Haverhill’s Gateway Academy. The 40 by 8-foot shipping container, adorned in bright colors with the message “The Y Feeds Kids” on the side, is a collaboration between the Haverhill Y and Haverhill Public Schools. Inside the hydroponic farm, behind […]
Dr. Glenn D. Focht was recently named resident of Newburyport-based Anna Jaques Hospital and begins his new role next month. Since 2021, Focht has served as chief medical officer and senior vice president of Anna Jaques Hospital as well as chief operating officer of Seacoast Affiliated Group Practice, an Anna Jaques-employed physician practice. “Dr. Focht […]
The Commission on Cancer, a quality program of the American College of Surgeons recently granted a three-year accreditation to the cancer program at Anna Jaques Cancer Center affiliated with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. To earn Commission on Cancer accreditation, a cancer program must maintain levels of excellence in the delivery of comprehensive patient-centered care, […]