Despite money from the federal American Rescue Plan Act expiring in December 2024, Haverhill City Councilors said last night they would work to maintain a funding source dedicated to youth mental health programs. Mayor Melinda E. Barrett said she had to fight former Mayor James J. Fiorentini to include it in the budget three years […]
Haverhill City Councilors agreed Tuesday to take what was called a “low risk” and spend $100,000 for plans and specifications required before replacing the boiler at the William H. Moody School. The risk comes because the Massachusetts School Building Authority, which accepted the pre-school into its Accelerated Repair Program, has yet to approve the design. […]
Haverhill City Councilors voted last night to send a letter calling for a comprehensive pedestrian safety plan to the Haverhill Police Department’s Traffic and Safety Committee, following the serious injury of a 9-year-old last Thursday when he was struck by an allegedly drunk driver after exiting a school bus. Councilor John A. Michitson, who proposed […]
Haverhill City Councilors rejected Ronald Judkins’ request Tuesday for a special permit to build a two-family home at 0 Stanley Drive, which belongs to the city’s Water Supply Protection Overlay District. Under the overlay ordinance, because the dwelling is larger than one, single-family dwelling and is closer than 500 feet to the nearest body of […]
Haverhill City Councilors authorized a $75,000 “friendly” taking of a 6.2-acre parcel on Brandy Brow Road along the East Meadow River on Tuesday, as part of the city’s ongoing efforts to buy land in the name of water resource protection. “We purchased, not too long ago, some property from D&D Realty Trust, so this is […]