Big stripers chase bunker in the harbors and river mouths and the western Sound has big bass feeding on hickory shad, meanwhile, tautog fishing has transitioned to deeper water.
Freshwater fishing heats up, schoolies blitz off central Sound beaches while many anglers begin hunting holdovers, and scup, tautog and sea bass continue to fill coolers.
Incumbent Abbe Burt, Christina Colarusso, and MacAleer Schilcher are the three candidates competing for the Tisbury Select Board seat in the upcoming town election. The Times sent questions to each candidate to get their views on some of the issues the town is facing, and why they’d be the best choice for the job. The […]
“Don’t grow old, no matter how long you live. Never cease to stand like curious children before the Great Mystery into which we are all born.” –Albert Einstein It is so true that being old is a state of mind. People always seem to be amazed at the accomplishments of folks who are elderly in […]