The J-20 is faster than the F-35 but the Lightning II has a lower radar cross-section. The J-20 does not have a cannon, which could mean that designers did not envision it as a dogfighting machine.
LUCERNE, Switzerland, June 30 (Xinhua) Former Chinese astronaut Jing Haipeng and his Swiss counterpart Claude Nicollier held an online exchange with universi
Under Operation Ganga, in the last 7 days, a total of 29 flights from Romania alone have flown many students back to India, said Union Minister of Civil Aviatio
Mehre Flugzeuge im Norden Afghanistans, die bereit sind, US-Bürger auszufliegen, können einem Bericht zufolge nicht abheben. Die Taliban wollen so angeblich die USA unter Druck setzen. Alle Informationen im Newsblog.