life. her father set her up as a prostitute, literally taken her to another country and turned her into a sex slave. there s a difference between that and i don t feel comfortable. exactly. the way we handled that was we asked open ended questions like what happened, and she just calmly and sim thetly and engine winly told her accurate story that she had told before. it wasn t like they could stand up on cross-examination as they can here and say wait a minute, when you first got arrested, you said you weren t here, you didn t know anything about it. then you made another statement saying oh, someone else did it. now this is your third statement. is the prosecution just about to ron popeil her? yeah. i feel sorry, not knowing the foocts, fofacts, for her attorn. there are runaway clients. to some degree, you have to let them do what they re going to do. they ll live and die by the jury s verdict. this is the same woman who said this hav jury will never