extra the mobility of labour, bringing extra people in a christmas time, and at extra people in a christmas time, and at the extra people in a christmas time, and at the moment it is a quiet time for us and at the moment it is a quiet time for us but and at the moment it is a quiet time for us but we and at the moment it is a quiet time for us but we are still running about for us but we are still running about 10% for us but we are still running about 10% short on staff and at peak we are about 10% short on staff and at peak we are about 15% short, so there are two issues we are about 15% short, so there are two issues here, can we have permanent labour? yes, we can train them, permanent labour? yes, we can train them, but permanent labour? yes, we can train them, but is permanent labour? yes, we can train them, but is no question of training them, them, but is no question of training them, it them, but is no question of training them, it is them, but is no
this haulage firm is one of many now waiting to see the detail in the new deal, and how far it will go in reducing those barriers. if there is enough friction removed by the new green lane, we should see some bounce back. if this removes enough friction we will bounce back almost within days and weeks. would that be the real test? that will be the real test. but there is cautiousness while businesses wait to see how cumbersome the requirements might be to send goods through the new streamlined green lane. from the announcement what we really need to see now is the detail around the deal. we need to understand how green the green lane actually is. do you think suppliers in gb will be reassured by this? remember, we will be asking gb traders to do things that they don t do for the rest of the uk. they don t have to be part of a trusted trader scheme for england, scotland or wales, so for a small amount of the market we will be asking them to join schemes, provide data, potentially be aud
so quicker or heavier modes of travel have the greatest responsibility to reduce the threat they could pose. this video was taken by cyclist phil in sheffield, the second serious crash he s had involving a vehicle. every single journey, i would say, i worry about whether it s going to be my last day on earth. he welcomes the hierarchy. it helps make people aware of those who are more vulnerable than them on the roads, and i think that s a good thing. never go alongside a truck round a roundabout, stay behind. but this haulage firm fears it will make lorry driving a less attractive job, and the boss says his industry has strict safety rules. they re strongly controlled, and there s big penalties for not complying with those things. the emphasis should be on making people that are at risk think about themselves more, rather than passing the burden of that risk to someone else. motoring groups say it s vital people take time to understand updates which are aimed at driving safer roads for
critics say there hasn t been enough advance publicity, which could lead to confusion. a significant change is setting out a so called hierarchy of road users, so quicker or heavier modes of travel have the greatest responsibility to reduce the threat they could pose. this video was taken by cyclist phil in sheffield, the second serious crash he s had involving a vehicle. every single journey, i would say, i worry about whether it s going to be my last day on earth. he welcomes the hierarchy. it helps make people aware of those who are more vulnerable than them on the roads, and i think that s a good thing. never go alongside a truck round a roundabout, stay behind. but this haulage firm fears it will make lorry driving a less attractive job, and the boss says his industry has strict safety rules. they re strongly controlled, and there s big penalties for not complying with those things. the emphasis should be on making people that are at risk think about themselves more, rather than
campaign about the dates. critics say there has not been enough advance publicity, which could lead to confusion. a significant changes setting out a so called hierarchy of road users, so quicker or heavier motor travel has the greatest responsibility to reduce the threat they pose. this video was taken by cyclist phil in sheffield, the second serious crush he has had involving a vehicle. involving a vehicle. every single “ourne , involving a vehicle. every single journey. i involving a vehicle. every single journey, i would involving a vehicle. every single journey, i would say, involving a vehicle. every single journey, iwould say, i- involving a vehicle. every single journey, i would say, i worry. involving a vehicle. every single i journey, i would say, i worry about whether it is going to be my last day on earth. he whether it is going to be my last day on earth- day on earth. he welcomes the hierarchy- day on earth. he welcomes the hierarchy- it day on earth. he wel