Delta Health is warning residents and patients of a new telephone scam circulating the area. The hospital press release notes that the calls, also called spoofing, indicate on caller ID that Delta Health is calling. East Middle School in Grand Junction will close its doors for good once this semester ends, reports the Daily Sentinel. Due to the threat of fentanyl poisoning throughout the state, harm reduction groups are making the medication Naloxone hydrochloride more accessible. For Rocky Mountain Community Radio, K-D-N-K’s Hattison Rensberry asks Maggie Seldeen who runs the Roaring Fork-based non-profit High Rockies Harm Reduction about some common misconceptions about Naloxone, also known by its brand name Narcan.
The Town of Paonia will close its search for a new town administrator next Monday, reports the Delta County Independent. Olathe High School heavyweight wrestler Lynessia Duran was the second-highest placer among all Western Slope teams, reports the Montrose Daily Press. Tuesday was the last day for the public to submit comments on Colorado's plan to reintroduce wolves. Many ranchers and others in rural areas say they fear for their jobs, livestock, and even personal safety.
As Colorado prepares to reintroduce wolves, people around the state are weighing in. Colorado Parks and Wildlife held a public meeting in Rifle on February 7.
KDNK's Hattison Rensberry interviews several residents of the wolf reintroduction zone while at the Wolf Reintroduction Draft plan meeting on February 7th.