East Lyme ― Almost four months since voters came out in favor of spending up to $2.35 million to save 255 acres of land here from development, no contract has been signed.
First Selectman Dan Cunningh.
East Lyme ―The Board of Selectmen on Thursday sent to voters the following $1.75 million question.
Should the town buy 255 acres of open space from the East Lyme Land Trust to ensure it will remain un.
NORTHAMPTON Firefighters extinguished a fire at an apartment on Barrett Street this weekend before it was able to spread to the surrounding units and an investigation is underway to determine the cause.On Saturday at around 9:45 a.m., Northampton.
The purchase would preserve more than 120 acres off Hathaway Road, including roughly 3,000 feet of waterfront on Pattagansett Lake and the Pattagansett River.