and black people still aren t free. brian: you should leave if you feel like stolen land from 200 years ago you don t feel like you belong here there are plenty of other countries. there are plenty other countries. i don t see people hold are her back. she has a success story representing a major state in a fine community. i think you could be a great person to talk about how to you can seed in life in america. if you can t see the progress that america has made to this point while far from perfect, then you really are blind to our past and you should look up what booker t. washington and frederick douglass said about us living up to our constitution. declaration of independence. not running from it that s where we are getting closer and closer on daily basis. for people to look back 2021 and act like it s 186. pete: hateful divisive lieus. believe them when they tell you this. two years ago colin kaepernick