. Fight Tech Totalitarianism!
Facebook’s unelected multinational, multicultural, uniLeftist panel has just upheld its ban on Donald J. Trump, meaning that the 45th President of the U.S. is still unable to communicate with his 74,222,958 American voters [Facebook Ban On Donald Trump Will Hold, Social Media s Oversight Board Rules, by Shannon Bond, NPR, May 5, 2021].(He has started a blog at DonaldJTrump.com/desk, something we suggested here.)
This disgraceful situation, profoundly insulting to the U.S. as a sovereign democracy, has particular resonance for us here at VDARE.com. Just a year ago, our own Facebook page was deleted, completely without warning, on the false claim that we were engaged in what Facebook called Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior [PDF] a.k.a. we were running a “bot farm” multiple automated sites designed to enhance traffic. This was a lie. We have now sued Facebook for defamation (HERE we will be expanding this complaint later). I am honored to say that
Convicted of the crime and sentenced to life without parole: 23-year-old Tevin Raeshaun Johnson.
Reports indicate that Johnson befriended Morris then followed her to the victim s motel room. A witness claimed Johnson was not welcomed by his victim. [
I was unable to uncover any white-on-black homicides during February. Please contact me if you are aware of one.
Federal government data on inter-racial crime is extremely opaque. Statista.com reveals that in 2019 there were 5,787 white homicide victims and 7,484 black victims. In both cases, the race of the killer(s) was unspecified, but most blacks are known to be killed by other blacks.
The app has helped fuel democracy movements in Iran and Belarus but now faces scrutiny as extremists and conspiracy theorists flock to it amid crackdowns by Facebook and Twitter on disinformation.
Telegram, pro-democracy tool, struggles over new fans from far-right
By Michael Schwirtz New York Times,Updated January 26, 2021, 1:33 a.m.
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The introductory page for the Telegram app.Brent Lewin/Bloomberg
The messaging app Telegram has long been an engine of resistance and an annoyance for tyrants. Authoritarian leaders in Russia and Iran have tried to ban it. When protests broke out recently in Belarus and Hong Kong, Telegram was the glue that held democracy movements together in the face of violent onslaughts by powerful security services.
These days, though, Telegram is quickly becoming an online refuge for a different kind of resistance.
Telegram, the pro-democracy tool, struggles over new fans from far-right
Last Updated: Jan 26, 2021, 10:46 AM IST
Far-right conspiracy theorists, racists and violent insurrectionists have been flocking to Telegram in recent weeks after being banished from the big American social media platforms following the storming of the Capitol building in Washington.
Getty Images
Twenty-five million new users flooded Telegram in the days after Twitter and Facebook, reacting to the Jan. 6 mayhem at the Capitol, purged users they deemed responsible for having incited violence or spread disinformation.
The messaging app Telegram has long been an engine of resistance and an annoyance for tyrants. Authoritarian leaders in Russia and Iran have tried to ban it. When protests broke out recently in Belarus and Hong Kong, Telegram was the glue that held democracy movements together in the face of violent onslaughts by powerful security services.