Article: Freed Verse: Why I Hate (Rerun) - Hate can teach a lot of things (I ll write more on that later). Here s a poem about Malcolm and the other stuff, the loss of an innocence we never had, and the horror of realizing that.
Article: HATE, FASCISM and RACISM Resurrected, Not Created, by #45 - What might America be if instead of fighting among ourselves, we stood together for each other and defend America from Americans who don t like all Americans.
Article: HATE, FASCISM and RACISM Resurrected, Not Created, by #45 - What might America be if instead of fighting among ourselves, we stood together for each other and defend America from Americans who don t like all Americans.
Article: India s Hate Speech Problem? - Hate speech has become such a problem with with the discourse of some political parties in India that even the Supreme Court has become involved. Article explores some of the issues.
that just boils down to abortion rights or reproductive rights. all women believe in individual liberty. they believe in individual freedoms and this is an assault on the very essence of what it is to be a woman. whether we are talking about defunding planned parenthood, to whether or not we can legitimately ask and i think it s a very legitimate question to ask do the republican candidates running for president right now care not only about women, but care about low income women because these are the women who are i thought it was very instructive the silence when rush limbaugh said what he said about sandra fluke. again, unlikely support from bill maher who said, i hate to defend rush limbaugh, but he did apologize. and also, hate discrimination by sponsor pullout. does he have a point? bill maher look, i don t know. if we re talking about sort of