LAS VEGAS ( KLAS ) – This week’s work on the 95/515 freeway between Boulder Hwy and Charleston helps answer several viewer emails about what’s been going on there since March of last year. Like this one from Claudio, who writes: “With the almost daily changes there it’s almost impossible to see freeway lines, much […]
LOGANDALE, NV ( KLAS ) – With intense southern Nevada heat in the summer, the annual Clark County Fair is in April – starting today. Some folks do get a little hot under the collar about weekend traffic jams there, so there have been a couple of changes. Getting to the fair is an easy […]
MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, NV ( KLAS ) – A viewer wonders how speeding drivers get away with it in the tiny town of Mountain Springs. Lee writes: “We commute from Pahrump to Las Vegas every week or so, and it feels like no one honors the 45mph zone on Highway 160 through that community other than […]
LAS VEGAS ( KLAS ) – Because Dropicana2.0 isn’t completely over, we don’t yet have a timelapse of the taking down of the south half of Tropicana over the weekend. But the video connected to this store shows how it looked a year ago when NDOT took down the north half of Trop. Thanks to […]
Las Vegas ( KLAS ) – Time is running out to drive on the Super Bowl configuration of Tropicana over I-15. You can still enjoy three lanes of traffic in both directions on Trop while the diverging diamond is on vacation (still no left turns because the westbound lanes are higher off the ground), but […]